Your money.
Your time. Get it back!

Get the only card that reclaims VAT automatically

By clicking “Reclaim it” I agree to share my email address with Way2VAT and accept the Terms & Conditions

Money Money
Credit card
Credit card

Everything you’d expect from a business spend card, and then some

  • Centralised control
  • Rule-based spending
  • Instant reconciliation
  • Automatic VAT reclaim
    (Local, international, and AP)

Think it’s not worth chasing up the VAT your business
is entitled to reclaim?

Think again.

The W2V Spend Card does
it all for you.
Those small sums add up fast. Reclaim them while you sleep.


Trusted By Global Brands

No other business spend card does all this

How do we know? Simple.  Our VAT reclaim tech is patented. Check it out.

Reclaim VAT
in your sleep.

Make payments,
submit receipts & invoices

Set limits, rules &
authorise users - easily

Cures every payment headache,
from purchase to VAT reclaim