WAY2VAT Enjoys Significant Market Exposure at the 3rd Strategic Indirect Tax & VAT\GST-Compliance Event
WAY2VAT was a proud sponsor and speaker at the 3rd Strategic Indirect Tax & VAT\GST Compliance event, held by the TBM – an exclusive platform for professionals to network and benchmark with industry peers. The event took place on September 13-14 in Rotterdam.
The Annual Conference gave WAY2VAT the opportunity to discuss with other tax professionals across different industries a broad range of current topics focusing on key challenges within different areas of indirect tax.
Ben Knock, UK Managing Director spoke to the forum about Improving Tax Calculation to Maximize Recovery and Minimize Risk. More information and the full agenda for the conference is available to view here.
“Every year, EU countries lose up to 50 billion Euros to cross border Value Added Tax fraud. This money could be invested back into schools, roads, hospitals and other public services,” said Knock. “VAT\GST reclaim pre 2010 meant having one claim form, the form could be easily completed via excel. Now, portals are different in each state, with different methods of data entry, and different methods of communication. The solution is simplicity. The market is moving towards automation which is the real solution for simplification. The question is which technology and which solution provider?”
Automated VAT\GST refunds with human-level perception is the ultimate simplification,” continued Amos Simatov, CEO of WAY2VAT. Our vision is to challenge the VAT\GST industry’s status quo, with VAT\GST refunds globally accessible to all.”
To get a copy of the presentation at the event, contact us.