VAT\GST Reclaim Spotlight o...

The Netherlands, also known as Holland is located in Western Europe and has a population slightly over 17 million. Along...

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2018 Business Travel Trends

Much of the news we read about and watch on TV nowadays surely stir up emotions but really has no...

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Getting Your VAT\GST Return...

It's the birthplace of the Olympics, the cradle of civilization, the source of myths and legends. It has sunny skies...

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The Fab Five: Top Hotels fo...

Business Travel is much of the time very stressful as well as tiring. Staying at a hotel that will diminish...

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VAT\GST in the EU: Spain

Leaving VAT\GST on the table: Focus on Spain Spain is the second most visited country in the world and a...

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Receipt Data Augmentation: ...

Finding receipts in images and analyzing their content accurately is a hard task. Hard tasks call for deep and powerful...

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How one WAY2VAT customer re...

When your business entails a lot of travel, how do you make sure expenses are tracked and you get the...

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VAT\GST Deadline Coming Up ...

September. It's a month of new beginnings. It's when kids go back to school after a long summer break and...

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